Thursday, April 22, 2010

Windows New Firewall

I was just reading that Microsoft has incorporated a second firewall in Windows 7 for even greater security.  They have the firewall that was included in Windows XP plus an additional one.  Let's see a show of hands, how many people who use Windows Vista or Windows 7 are tired of the constant prompts asking you if you really meant to run that program you just double clicked on?

Now I don't know how many people out there remember the legal trouble that Microsoft has had in the past because they made claims of greater security for their customers who unfortunately found out the hard way that there were serious flaws that lead to security breaches, financial losses and law suits. Personally I have never relied on an integrated firewall, not in Windows or the equipment my internet service provider has given me. To my friends I have recommended PCTools, AVG or Zonelabs. They have received good reviews and in my experience did not drastically reduce my computers performance the way Norton and McAfee did.

As someone who has worked as a programmer for a large software company, I can tell you that in my experience the marketing department does not listen to the programming department regarding what the software will do and more importantly when it would be finished. They would tell the customers whatever they wanted to hear in order to make the sale.  Then after the sale has been made will come back and tell the programmers, "Oh by the way, we just sent the customer the product yesterday and we promised them this software would load their dishwasher, walk their dog and take out their trash too..." So consequently, we had to go back and try and make the promises of the salesmen true. Now I surely didn't mind the size of my paychecks with all of the overtime that had been approved for us to make this happen but my point is never trust a software product that has only recently been released. History has shown that to be a bad move.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Make it Simpler?

I'm sorry but again Microsoft insults our intelligence with an ad for Windows 7 where a woman says that she told them to 'make it simpler and they did.'  She then says 'look here, they put in this handy task bar at the bottom that allows me to see at a glance everything I have running at once!'

Now is there ANYONE on the planet that has used either Windows 95, 98, 98SE, ME, XP Home or Professional or Vista Basic or Premium that didn't realize this feature existed in all of them? We're talking OVER A DECADE NOW this feature has been part of MS Windows!  Microsoft has yet to show us anything "new" in their whole advertising campaign for Windows 7 so what is the motivation to go out and give them more of our hard earned dollars?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Apple I-Pad

Someone just asked me if this was an actual computer.  Meaning, could it replace their desktop computer at home.  While the I-Pad is a computer, it is a very limited one that could only replace the home computer of someone that only uses email and web functionality.  While I do have some customers who could get away with only having an I-Pad I don't recommend replacing your home desktop or laptop with one.  The I-Pad is more for the time in-between real computer interface time.  As sad as it sounds, we are becoming so dependent on our computers and the internet that we never want to be away from them.  Myself included.  It does look like a very cool new toy that I already have on my wish list but it's really only going to handle email, photos, video, web and web based apps when you're on the go.

There are two different options with the I-Pad as far as connectivity.  Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi + 3G.  The 3G service provider is AT&T so make sure AT&T has 3G coverage in your area before you shell out the extra dollars for that feature.  (Check the maps at your local Verizon store...)  ;-)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Advice to a Friend

A good friend of mine just told me he is thinking of upgrading from Windows XP to Windows 7 and asked me what I thought of this.  My first inclination is to skip Windows 7 altogether, I don't care for it personally but if he really wanted it I told him that in my opinion he should stick with XP until the new operating system has been out for a year.  Windows 7 just came out and it usually takes Microsoft about a year to get most of the major bugs fixed in any new operating system they release.  Sometimes even longer than that...

Straight Forward vs. Game Players

Now I'm not saying Apple is perfect. And they do cost more. There is no perfect computer or perfect operating system but in my experience, Apple makes an excellent machine. They don't play games with different versions of their operating system like Microsoft does, i.e. Basic, Home, Professional or Premium. I have had customers buy a machine with either a Basic or Home version of Windows only to find out that it wasn't sufficient to do what they wanted and were forced to go buy an upgrade to Professional or Premium. Having to purchase two operating systems for one machine is again a check in the negative column for Microsoft. Apple just has one version that includes everything latest and greatest that they have come up with for the current operating system. And most importantly, they have excellent customer service. Microsoft, as well as many PC manufacturers that I have had to deal with over the years have left me feeling less than satisfied when it comes to customer service. Not all, but you do have to be careful when purchasing a new PC. Do not just look for the cheapest price.

I will probably always have to have a PC in my home for work but for my own personal enjoyment and household use my next purchase is going to be from Apple.